Color Theming

The Material Design color system can be used to create a color scheme that reflects your brand or style.
The Material Design color system uses an organized approach to applying color to your UI. In this system, two theme colors are selected to express different parts of a UI: a primary color and a secondary color. Material components use these theme colors and their variations to style their individual backgrounds, text, and more.
Design & API Documentation
Applying color to UI 
Color is applied to UI elements and components inconsistent and meaningful ways.
These guidelines describe a variety of UI components and elements where the color application is important.


Color should be applied throughout a UI consistently and be compatible with the brand it represents.


Color should create a distinction between elements, with sufficient contrast between them.


Color should be applied purposefully as it can convey meaning in multiple ways, such as relationships between elements and degrees of hierarchy.


All Material Design components use a Widget.MaterialComponents style, and these styles reference color attributes from the Material Design theme (Theme.MaterialComponents). So, it is easy to re-color attributes across your app by simply modifying the color attributes in your theme. These attributes are:
  • colorSecondary
By changing andcolorPrimarycolorSecondary (along with their dark and light variants), you can easily change the style of all the Material components to which your theme is applied.
Furthermore, if you want to change the mapping for a component completely, e.g. you want to change MaterialButton so that it uses colorPrimary for its background tint rather than,colorSecondary all you would have to do is define your own button style that extends from a Material Design style and set the mapping yourself:
<style name="Widget.MyApp.MyButton" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button">
  <item name="backgroundTint">?attr/colorPrimary</item>
Then, you can apply this style to individual buttons directly, or apply it to all of your buttons by setting the materialButtonStyle attribute in your theme:
<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light">
  <item name="materialButtonStyle">@style/Widget.MyApp.MyButton</item>

Coming Soon

We will be updating our color theming to make component colors much more easily themeable app-wide.
In a future update, our themes and components will be updated to reference a new set of color theming attributes. Then, all you need to do is update the hexadecimal color values for these attributes and you can:
  • adjust your component colors
  • switch between dark and light themes
  • ensure accessible color combinations across your app
The new color theme will be based around a primary and secondary color. To select primary and secondary colors, and generate variations of each, use, or 2014 Material Design palettes.
The full list of new attribute names will be as follows:
Attribute nameDescription
colorPrimaryDisplayed most frequently across your app.
colorPrimaryVariantA tonal variation of primary color.
colorSecondaryAccents select parts of your UI.
If not provided, use primary.
colorSecondaryVariantA tonal variation of secondary color.
colorBackgroundThe underlying color of an app’s content.
Typically the background color of scrollable content.
colorErrorThe color used to indicate error status.
colorSurfaceThe color of surfaces such as cards, sheets, menus.
colorOnPrimaryA color that passes accessibility guidelines for text/iconography when drawn on top of the primary.
colorOnSecondaryA color that passes accessibility guidelines for text/iconography when drawn on top of secondary.
colorOnBackgroundA color that passes accessibility guidelines for text/iconography when drawn on top of the background.
colorOnErrorA color that passes accessibility guidelines for text/iconography when drawn on top of error.
colorOnSurfaceA color that passes accessibility guidelines for text/iconography when drawn on top of a surface.
Surface, background, and error colors typically do not represent the brand. Surface colors typically map to components such as cards, sheets, and menus. The background color is typically found behind the scrollable content. Error color is the indication of errors within components such as text fields.
For,colorOnPrimarycolorOnSecondary, etc., these colors must pass contrast accessibility guidelines when drawn on top of their corresponding color attributes. Material components will then use these attributes such that the color combinations remain accessible in any component state.


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